Employee Clock Ins and Timesheets with Multiple Pay Rates

The clock in experience and the employee timesheets are slightly different when Multiple Pay Rates is enabled. Read on to see how these features work.

Employee Clock Ins

When Multiple Pay Rates has been enabled for an employee, they will have the option to clock in for multiple roles.

After clicking the "Clock In" button in Eddy, the employee will see a menu of assigned roles they can clock in as. Once the employee selects a role, the time clock will begin and the compensation tied to that specific clock in will depend on the specified compensation rate for the role the employee selected.

This is shown in the video below:

Employee Timesheets

Employees who are able to clock time for multiple roles will see the various roles on their timesheets. Each time an employee clocks-in, they will select the role they wish to log. These roles will be recorded with every entry on the employee's timesheet.

This is explained in the video below: