Sign in to Eddy
Before you can sign in
Before you can sign in to Eddy a company admin must set up a profile for you. They will enter your name and the email address you will use to sign in to your account. If you did not receive a welcome email your company admin can resend it to you.
Create your account overview video
Once your company admin sends over an invite to Eddy to your email, you will be able to accept the invite on your end and set up your account. The video below will walk you through this process.
Which email was used to set up your account?
If you don't know which email was used by your company admin to send you an invite, you can ask your company admin to help you find that.
Forget your password?
If you've forgotten your password, go to the Eddy login page and click the Forgot Username or password link.
On this page, enter the email address associated with your Eddy account below, and we'll send you an email with your username and a link to reset your password. Check your spam or junk folders if you don't see this email in your inbox.