How to enable the SmartPay integration in Eddy?

Eddy’s Smart Pay integration requires that you are already have an account created with SmartPay. If you do not have an account created, visit SmartPay’s website to get started.
Once you have a SmartPay account in place, work with SmartPay to let them know that Eddy Payroll is your payroll provider and that you’d like to enable the integration. When this is done SmartPay will let us know the type of data feed that is required for your account.
Prior to Eddy sending payroll information to SmartPay you will need to give us permission to share the data. To do this, login to Eddy and go to Admin Settings and click on the Integrations tab. On that page you’ll see a card for SmartPay.
Click the Connect button and follow the prompts.
The next screen will ask you to authorize Eddy to share your company payroll information with SmartPay.
When the integration is connected, Eddy will send employee wages to SmartPay after each Payroll run is paid. The file is usually transferred within minutes of the payroll being marked as paid.