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Iowa - New Company Registration

New Company Registration for Iowa

Iowa State Tax Agencies

This guide covers registration for the following types of tax:

  • Withholding Tax
  • State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) Tax  

Iowa Withholding Tax

Every employer who maintains an office or transacts business in Iowa and who is required to withhold federal income tax on any compensation paid to employees for services performed in Iowa is required to withhold Iowa income tax from that compensation.

The Iowa Department of Revenue administers the state’s income tax withholding. The agency’s website is: https://tax.iowa.gov/.

To obtain an Iowa Withholding Account Number, the employer must register for an account with the Iowa Department of Revenue. Registration can be completed electronically or on paper.

Iowa BEN

Employers must register with the Iowa Department of Revenue to obtain a Business efile Number (BEN). The 8-digit number is mailed to an employer after registering with the Iowa Department of Revenue.

Iowa State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) Tax

The Iowa Department of Labor administers the state’s SUI Tax. The agency’s website is: https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/.

To be assigned a SUI tax account number, an employer is required to register online through myIowaUI. Registration must be completed in its entirety in order for a SUI account number to be assigned.

Note: The employer can assign a third party specific roles (such as filing and depositing SUI tax) through myIowaUI.  The employer signs into their myIowaUI account, selects "Assign Agent" on the left side of the account homepage. Or, the employer can complete, sign and return the Power of Attorney Form 68-0092.





This guide does not contain legal or tax advice. If legal or tax advice is required, an attorney, CPA or tax adviser should be consulted.