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Nebraska - New Company Registration

Nebraska Department of Revenue State Withholding Income Tax

1. To register your new business, first-time users must first set up a username and password

  • Go to Revenue.nebraska.gov
  • Review items required before registering
  • Click on “Click Here To Begin”
  • Enter an email address under “Create user Account" and select “Register New Account”
  • Create username, password and security questions and select “Register”

2. Register your new business online

  • Go back to Revenue.nebraska.gov
  • Click on “Click Here To Begin”
  • Enter username and password that was previously set up to log in
  • Complete all sections of web application
  • Application summary will provide you with your Nebraska Identification Number

Update your Eddy account with your Nebraska Withholding ID Number. Your ID number is required for all Nebraska tax interactions to ensure your account is accurate.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please call the Nebraska Department of Revenue at 402-471-5729.  A registration video is also available for additional help.

Nebraska Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Tax (UI)

1. Create a username and password and registration

  • Go to NEworks
  • Select “sign in” on the top right hand corner
  • Scroll to option 3, Create a User Account, and click “Employers and Agents” to create a new User ID
  • Select “Direct Representative of your Organization” under representative type
  • Select “Unemployment tax and benefits services” and “recruiting” and continue registration
  • Select no next to “Do you have a UI Employer Account Number (EAN)”
  • Enter Federal ID and Nebraska UI Employer Account Number
  • Create username, password and answer security questions
  • Complete remaining registration questions and complete

Update your Eddy account with your Nebraska Employer Tax Account Number. Your ID number is required for all Nebraska tax interactions to ensure your account is accurate.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please call a customer support representative at 402-471-9898.





This guide does not contain legal or tax advice. If legal or tax advice is required, an attorney, CPA or tax adviser should be consulted.