Obtaining your W2

The W2 is a tax form provided by employers that reports employee’s taxable wages and taxes withheld from wages for the previous year. This is issued to employees by each individual employer.

Your employer is required to send you this form no later than January 31st of each year.

Ensuring all addresses and phone numbers are up to date is crucial in making sure all parties can go about this distribution process smoothly. 

If you have switched employers within the year, we recommend you reach out to your former employer and verify all contact information to ensure you receive your W2 in a timely manner. 

Please note: Eddy cannot distribute W2's directly to employees or former employees due to security and privacy reasons. We only release these documents to authorized contacts for each company. Paper W2 Forms will be shipped to your employer by January 25th so they can distribute them to you by January 31st. You can view an electronic copy using your ADP portal, the same place you view your pay stubs. We suggest you reach out directly to your employer for any questions regarding your W2.

If you have further questions, or you are having trouble getting your W2 from your employer, we advise contacting the IRS