How to Upload Employees in bulk

When it comes to adding multiple people in Eddy you have two options. 

Option 1—Spreadsheet import

During new company implementation our support team can assist you with the a bulk spreadsheet import.

Step 1—Download the sheet below and add your people’s information.

*Columns in red are required

Step 2—Share completed spreadsheet with Eddy.

Option 2—Add multiple employees at once

On the People page you'll see a 3-dot menu option next to the Add person button. In that 3-dot menu you'll find the option to Add multiple employees.

With this option Eddy allows you to quickly enter info for multiple employees in one location.

Helpful Eddy Terminology

Login email: This does not  have to be a work domain email address, e.g., but does need to be an email  solely owned by the person you are adding.

Reports To: Input the email of the manager to whom the person reports. Manager’s login email must match the email listed in the "Reports To" column. 

Departments: If your organization does not have departments, create one department for management and one for staff. 

Location Nickname: This is the main location where the person works. This lets you use your organization’s lingo  to describe each location e.g. South LA Office, Headquarters, Street Address Clinic, The Warehouse, Etc. 

Pay Accrual Method: The pay accrual method is different from the organization’s pay period. This refers to the way you get compensated. For example, do you get paid per hour, week, year (salaried)?

Invites: Adding your people to the system through this spreadsheet does not enable user access. Access is initiated via an additional step in the software. When you would like to invite your people into Eddy, this video will walk you through the process.

Account Creation: When your employees accept the invite to join Eddy, they will be able to fill out some of their personal information on their end.


Please contact for any additional questions