New Hire Onboarding Packet

A new hire packet is a collection of tasks, documents, and messages that help a new hire get off to a good start. 

What is included in the New Hire Packet?

The new hire packet has three parts: 

  1. New Hire Task List: This lets you create tasks for the new hire to complete within Eddy. Tasks can include electronically signable documents* as well as onboarding or other 'getting started' tasks to make sure your new hire shows up ready to go on their first day.
  2. Team Task List: This section allows you to assign tasks to existing team members so they can arrange things in advance of the new hire's start date. You can make sure everything—from email accounts to desk assignments and welcome baskets—is ready on your end.
  3. First Day Message: This optional email message lets the new hire know the details of what to expect on day one.

Create a new hire packet

 After you add a new employee, Eddy will ask if you'd like to create a new hire packet. You'll have the option to continue with the creation of a New Hire Packet, or Skip this step. If you do not wish to assign onboarding tasks by creating a New Hire Packet for the new employee, simply click the Skip option. If skipped at this point, HR Admins have the option to assign onboarding tasks later from the Onboarding home page under the Progress tab.

Those with the Growth subscription will also be able to select any previously saved onboarding packet templates that have been created in addition to the option to start from scratch. If there isn't a saved New Hire Packet template, or you have the Starter subscription, you won't be shown the option to start with a template.

The rest of this article will assume that you're creating a New Hire Packet from scratch and will not start with a template.

New Hire Tasks

Most new employees will need to sign important documents such as the I-9, W-4, W-9 and Direct Deposit Authorization forms before they begin working for your company. Eddy makes it easy by providing these documents as an integrated task so you don't have to worry whether you are using the latest version of the necessary document. In most cases, it is recommended these tasks be assigned with a due date before the employee's first day.

If you choose to have new hires review or sign* a custom document, a list of your company documents that have previously been uploaded to your account will be displayed. Each document you select will automatically create an individual task for the new hire to complete. Documents that have not been enabled for signatures will be available for download and review. Documents that have been made signable (learn more here) will require a signature before the task can be marked as complete.

In addition to documents, other task options for the new hires to complete include Review a linkUpload a file, and a Simple task. These types of tasks may include visiting a specific website, uploading a certificate, or picking up a company T-shirt.

Once a task has been created, the default due date is the employee's start date. However, you also have the option to change the tasks' due date to be before or after the start date, and select the number of days or weeks.

Team Member Tasks

After assigning tasks to the new hire, you can assign simple tasks to your team to make sure everything is in place for the new hire. Tasks can be assigned to any user in your Eddy account.

To add a team task, first select to whom the task will be assigned. Then you can then give it a descriptive name and a due date. You can add as many team tasks as you'd like.

Once you've added and assigned all your team tasks, you can click the blue Next step button at the bottom of the page. If you don't have any team tasks that need to be assigned, simply click Skip.

First Day Message

The final step in setting up an onboarding packet is to create a First Day message for the new hire. This message is a great place to help the new hire understand important information about their first day, such as what time to show up, what to wear, who they'll be meeting, and any other custom details you’d like to share.

This message appears on the new hire's home page when they sign in to Eddy, and will also be sent as an email unless the checkbox that is checked by default is deselected. If you do not wish to send this First Day Message as an email, then uncheck the box before proceeding to the next page.

Previewing the New Hire Packet

Before the packet is finalized (and before the first day message is sent) you'll have a chance to preview all assigned Tasks and the First Day message. This view will be very similar to what your new hire will see when they first login to Eddy.

You can edit the tasks or messages by clicking the edit pencil icon in the top right corner of each section's card. When you’re satisfied with the packet you’ve created, you can click the blue Save New Hire Packet button in the top center of the page to continue.

Clicking the Save New Hire Packet button will send the First Day Message email to your new hire. It will also send an email notification to all internal team members listed on the team task list, alerting them of the new tasks they've been assigned.

Saving the New Hire Packet as a Template

Availability: With the Growth Package, Eddy allows you to save and customize as many onboarding packets as your company needs as templates to streamline assigning onboarding tasks and documents to future new hires.

Once the new hire packet has been sent, you'll see a modal appear on your screen asking if you'd like to save your packet as a template.

By clicking Yes, you'll be able to save all the tasks and welcome messages you created for this hire to be applied to future new employees. This can save a lot of time if you have a more extensive onboarding process with several tasks that need to be assigned.

If you do not wish to save your packet as a template, click, No.

Sending Eddy Invitation

After an onboarding packet as been sent to the employee, you will be prompted to send an invitation email to the employee to set up their account. An employee cannot access the onboarding tasks you have assigned until after this invitation is accepted. If you choose to skip this step here, you can send the invitation later from the employee's profile.